• Welcome to the Traditional Lands of the Lukwungen People - Maryann Thomas and Elmer George
  • Welcome and Introductory Remarks
  • O Canada
  • Opening Prayer
  • Musical Presentation ~ Seven Spanish Angels by Willie Nelson and Ray Charles
  • Remembrances: Jack Hayden (Family Representative) and Staff Sergeant Phil Lue
  • Video Collage: Music The Dance by Garth Brooks & If I Die Young by Band Perry
  • Musical Presentation ~Amazing Grace
  • Commissioner Bob Paulson – Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)
  • Deputy Commissioner Craig Callens, Commanding Officer of the BC RCMP (“E” Division)
  • Scripture: Psalm 23:1-6
  • Words of Comfort
  • Musical Presentation: I Will Remember You by Sarah McLachlan
  • Announcements
  • Benediction and Committal
  • Sweet Grass Ceremony by Clifford Cranebear
  • Last Post
  • Silence
  • Lament
  • Reveille
  • Flag Presentation