In the last two years the province has seen over 2.5-million hectares of land burned to a crisp, a jump from only 100,366 hectares in 2016.
The severity of these record-breaking changes has prompted the B.C. government to release a new Wildfire Preparedness Guide.
Its aim is to help people better protect themselves, their homes and their families against an approaching inferno.
"The first step in managing any kind of emergency is to be as prepared as possible," said Mike Farnworth, Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General.
"This guide will arm British Columbians with helpful information on how to stay safe in the event of a wildfire, and how to help reduce the stress and anxiety that an emergency situation may cause.”
The guide focuses on specific things British Columbians can do to before, during and after a fire, including:
- developing a household plan
- making a grab-and-go bag for all family members and pets;
- learning about the governments emergency response plan; and
- tips on how to handle wildfire smoke, fire related stress and how to FireSmart a property.
PreparedBC is British Columbia's best place to get information on disaster readiness.
For tips on how to prepare an emergency plan and what to include in an emergency kit, visit the organization's website.