The story of a 16-year-old cat that attacked a group of pit bulls in Mount Tolmie has been gaining attention across the island, but there’s a bigger issue that needs to be discussed, according to the Victoria Humane Society.
The pit bull’s owner tried to report the incident that happened on Monday to city staff, but was told the municipality doesn’t have a cat bylaw.
“Saanich is the only municipality that I know that doesn’t have a cat bylaw,” VHS executive director Penny Stone told CTV News.
This means that no one takes responsibility for cats in the area and therefore they have no protection, leaving it a “grey area.”
If a dog is lost it will be taken to the pound and the owner has a chance to reclaim it, but a cat doesn’t get that “safe haven,” Stone said.
“Cats are kind of in limbo in Saanich. For 13 years we’ve been saying to Saanich we need cat bylaws,” she said.
Stone also chimed in on what the dog’s owner referred to as a double standard for pit bulls versus other animals.
If the dog had attacked the cat people would have lined up to put it down, she said.
Pit bulls don’t necessarily have a good rep, but people need to understand how incredible it is that out of seven dogs, none of them fought back, according to Stone.
“These people should be commended of what great dogs they have,” Stone said. “A dog has to be stellar not to respond.”
Stone hopes the story will stir things up in Saanich, showing council that changes need to be made.
“I’m hopeful that this will cause Saanich to sit up and take notice.”