The BC Lottery Corporation is moving closer to selecting a location for a new casino in Victoria – and a partner to run it.

On Monday, BCLC issued a call to service providers interested in developing and operating the new casino and entertainment venue.

A Request for Proposal process will then take place in 2017 for qualified proponents.

The selected service provider and BCLC will be responsible for finding an appropriate site for the casino, and things like major arterial roadways, available square footage and available parking will factor into the decision.

An Ipsos-Reid survey commissioned by BCLC shows people in the Capital Regional view tax revenue, jobs and tourism as the major benefits of a new casino, but others reported concerns related to gambling addiction.

BCLC will also conduct a Health Impact Assessment to study what the possible effects the proposed casino could have on the region.

Once a proposal is put forward, the city will gather feedback from the community likely sometime in 2017.

Victoria’s Crystal Garden was mentioned by council as a possible site, but it was eventually nixed as an option months ago because residents of Humboldt Valley opposed a casino in their neighbourhood.