The Greater Victoria School District has cancelled future field trips to the U.S. due to the travel ban put in place by president Donald Trump.

In a meeting on Monday, the education board and superintendent agreed to axe future school trips to the U.S. after the country temporarily banned citizens from seven Muslim-majority countries from entering.

"In our strategic plan we outline our values such as equity and social justice and the notion that if it affects one student in our community, it affects all of us," said Superintendent Piet Langstraat.

There are currently nine school trips planned to travel south for band trips, track meets and educational outings.

Langstraat says he will meet with staff, students and parents regarding upcoming trips that are already paid for to determine if or how they will occur.

According to the district, schools with trips still in the planning stages will be encouraged to find alternate locations in Canada and other countries where all students can travel without the risk of being denied entry.

"We currently have 83 Syrian refugee students in our district and we need to be very thoughtful not only about implications for them and others, but also the messaging that we send to our community about our inclusive education system," Langstraat said.

The GVSD will continue to work with Canadian authorities as new information becomes available about the travel restrictions.

The Sooke district has also stated it’s reconsidering sending students to the U.S.