Victoria Mayor Lisa Helps is calling for an independent audit of the new Johnson Street Bridge.

The controversial project took nine years to complete, with its cost dramatically increasing from $35-million to more than $100-million – and still counting.

Many of the problems were traced back to the outsourcing of steel manufacaturing to China, with a number of non-conformances that had to be fixed.

Helps says she wants Gordon Ruth, B.C.'s Auditor General for Local Government, to examine what happened and learn from it.

"Not only that, the AGLG makes the reports public and so it will be a good learning opportunity for other local governments across the province," Helps told CFAX 1070.

The mayor says the timing of the request – during a municipal election – is just a coincidence. Helps adds it was a promise she made earlier this year.

Municipal elections take place across the province on Sat., Oct .20.