Mounties in Langford are praising the selfless actions of a homeless man who found more than $2,000 in cash – and turned it in to police.

West Shore RCMP said the man recently came to the front counter of the Langford detachment after finding the large sum of money.

To officers’ surprise, the man identified himself as being in his 60s and currently homeless, saying he wanted to return the money because it was the right thing to do.

RCMP spokesman Const. Alex Berube called it an “incredible display of honesty and selflessness,” and said it the rightful owner of the money isn’t found in 90 days, it will go to the man who returned it.

Police are asking anyone who may have lost the cash to contact them at 250-474-2264 and provide specific details about the amount, denominations and location where the money was found.