A Victoria man says a Facebook page aimed at shaming local cyclists has escalated from criticism to hatred – and even death threats.

Cyclist Mark Karau says photos posted on the page “Sh*t Cyclists of Victoria” are meant to put a spotlight on bad rider behaviour, but many are taking the shaming too far.

“This page is just calling them out for minor acts of breaking the law, and then the people in the comments section is where the problem really starts,” he said Tuesday. “They’re blowing it out of proportion, sending threats, telling people to door [cyclists] and that’ll solve the problem, rather than helping the city create more infrastructure.”

Creators tell CTV News the site was designed to show local government that serious problems involving cyclists exist on our streets.

But Karau said it has become a hotbed for hate.

“Hope he suffers a traumatic head injury next time instead of a ticket,” reads one comment on the page.

Another says “Hope he gets hit, one less ***hole on two wheels.”

Victoria Police said the comments may not be criminal, but are extremely concerning.

“Public shaming doesn’t do anybody any good,” said police spokesman Const. Mike Russell.

The page joins several others that shame tourists and parkers, and none are doing any good, according to Russell.

“All these pages that are popping up and talking about people’s misdeeds, really at the end of the day it’s not doing anything to help safety here,” he said.

The page only emerged a few weeks ago but has already garnered nearly 3,000 likes on Facebook.

With a report from CTV Vancouver Island’s Scott Cunningham