We’re in for another day of rain on Vancouver Island before conditions start to improve closer to the weekend. A frontal system is swinging up over the coast from the southwest today bringing intense bands of precipitation at times. The good news: the rain isn’t expected to be continuous. The not-so-good news: the rain will be pretty heavy at times when the rain bands come through. We may even see some isolated thunderstorms this afternoon and evening throughout parts of the south coast.

So, how much rain can you expect? On Vancouver Island we’ll likely get another 10-20mm between now and midnight. Amounts will be greatest along the west facing slopes where total storm amounts could exceed 50mm! That amount of rain isn’t enough to prompt a rainfall warning for Vancouver Island, but it is enough for forecasters to issue a rainfall warning for Metro Vancouver.  Near the north shore, southern sections of the Sunshine Coast and Howe Sound, upslope flow will give amounts of 50 to 70 mm through early Friday.

By this time tomorrow, the worst of it should be over and sunshine should be breaking through the clouds in the Victoria area. Then we’re back to summer weather for the long weekend. Hang in there!