Have you ever looked at frost up close? These images were taken by CTV Videographer Todd Harmer early this morning. Isn’t frost beautiful? Most of us woke up to see the white coating of sharp ice crystals sparkling on the roads, grass, roofs and vehicles. Unless your car was parked in a garage, you probably had to scrape your windshield!


With the cold, clear weather here to stay, you can expect more frosty mornings. Frost forms when a solid surface cools to below freezing and its temperature happens to be below the dew point of the surrounding air. Water vapour suspended in the air freezes when it contacts the solid surface. The spicules of ice grow out from the solid surface.


Last night’s temperatures were sub-zero. While winds were light, they played a factor in the cold, creating a wind chill effect in the early morning hours.



Overnight Low

Wind Chill







Port Alberni









Port Hardy




Daytime temperatures will improve as we get into the weekend, but the overnight lows will remain chilly. Keep your windshield scraper handy!