A number of college campuses on northern Vancouver Island were shut down Thursday due to a non-specific bomb threat.

North Island College closed all of its campuses, including those in Campbell River, Port Alberni and Port Hardy, after a threat made sometime Thursday morning.

"We have contacted local authorities and, out of an abundance of caution, we have made the decision to close all campuses for the day," the college said in a notification to students and staff.

Officials said they don't know which specific campus received the threat so they closed down all of them out of caution.

"We're waiting on the RCMP to see what the next steps are," said Randall Heidt, NIC's Vice-President of Strategic Initiatives. "There is some disruption obviously, but safety is the most importanting thing because we want to ensure that our students and our employees are safe."

The college sent out a notice around 6:30 p.m. Thursday that the campuses had been given the all-clear, and that they would reopen as scheduled Friday morning.