
'I just wanted to stand out': Winnipeg Jets fan goes viral for wearing salmon shirt at Whiteout


Making a pink impression A Winnipeg Jets wears a salmon-coloured shirt to the whiteout and goes viral

A Winnipeg Jets fan found a unique way to stand out amid the Winnipeg Whiteout; he wore a salmon-coloured shirt.

Jonathon Red Cloud donned the bright polo to last night’s Winnipeg Jets home playoff game against the Colorado Avalanche.

Situated dead-centre in the 120 section, Red Cloud was highly visible in his salmon polo amongst a sea of white apparel. The shirt was something he’d worn to Jets games in the past.

“I’ve actually worn this shirt to three previous Jets games, and two games in Montreal,” said Red Cloud.

The self-described ‘die-hard Winnipeg Jets fan’ lives about an hour outside of Kenora, Ont., and thought the shirt would be a good way for loved ones to spot him at the arena.

“I just wanted to stand out, and just be visible to my friends and family, and co-workers back home, because that was the best way to show myself… I thought that was pretty close to white anyway.”

Little did Red Cloud know at the time, his appearance caught the attention of the internet. Images and memes of him with his brightly coloured shirt quickly began circulating on social media.

Meantime, at the game, a chant of “Salmon shirt!” broke out from the upper deck.

“I heard something but it wasn't clear to me what was being chanted until I left the arena… They just said 'You're the salmon shirt guy,' and I said, ‘What? I don't know what you're talking about.’ And they said, 'Yeah, they were chanting your name. (They’re) chanting you’re salmon shirt guy!” said Red Cloud.

As he continued his walk outside the Canada Life Centre, Red Cloud realized he’d made quite the impression on Jets fans.

“I heard people telling me that after the game that I was famous. And people cheered me, and (were) honking their horns, and I don't know how they saw my shirt with my jacket on, but they saw me and they were honking their horns, which is pretty cool,” said Red Cloud.

Red Cloud's attendance at the game itself was also a matter of fate. He had entered a web draw to win two tickets, and as luck would have it, his number was selected.

“This guy was getting rid of two tickets,” said Red Cloud, “And I said, 'OK, well let me try that,' and clear enough my number was picked out then. And (to) the game I went.”

Although his beloved team lost the game, he doesn’t think the shirt has any ‘bad luck’ attached to it.

“I still haven’t washed it…I don’t feel like I’m jinxing them. It’s just the play on ice is what we’re watching so I don’t feel like I have a way of jinxing them at all.”

Red Cloud said he hopes to attend Game 5 next week, and if given the opportunity, he’ll certainly make sure to wear his viral tee.

“I'm gonna wear that shirt and I’ll probably add some sort of white into it just to appease the fans and the world wide web,” said Red Cloud.