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White raven making progress at Vancouver Island recovery centre

Victoria -

A white raven that was near death when it was brought into the North Island Wildlife Recovery Centre in June is making progress in its recovery.

An examination of the bird Tuesday showed its condition has drastically improved.

“His body condition is 100 per cent better than when he came [in],” says animal care supervisor Derek Downes. “When he came in he was on the point of emaciation.”

The white raven, named Blizzard, was previously being tube fed three times a day and was on oral antibiotics twice a day. Now the bird is eating on its own and is clear of infection.

“It‘s heartwarming to see, we put in so much work,” says Downes.

The white ravens of the Oceanside, B.C., area typically don’t make it through their first winter.

NIWRC says Blizzard will not be released back into the wild. The centre is hopeful that Blizzard will have his own enclosure at the centre where people can see him. Top Stories

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