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Suspect arrested after arson at Victoria home


Victoria police say a suspect has been arrested after a suspicious fire significantly damaged a home near the border of Oak Bay, B.C.

No one was home when the fire occurred on Friday afternoon, and first responders say when they arrived around 2:45 p.m. flames could be seen fully engulfing the structure.

After the fire occurred, Victoria police say they received a call from police in Oak Bay saying that a suspect in the investigation had arrived at the Oak Bay Police Department.

VicPD officers made their way to the Oak Bay police station and arrested the suspect.

The suspect was brought to VicPD cells, then was later taken to hospital for a mental health assessment, police say.

The arson investigation is ongoing.

Anyone with information on the fire, or who may have surveillance video of the 1900-block of Richardson Street on the afternoon of Jan. 20, is asked to call VicPD at 250-995-7654. Top Stories

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