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Man accused of killing Nanaimo teen ordered to stand trial

Victoria -

The person accused of killing a Nanaimo teenager is being ordered to stand trial.

Steven Michael Bacon pleaded not guilty to a charge of first-degree murder in Makayla Chang's death.

Chang was 16 years old when she was last seen outside a downtown Nanaimo Tim Hortons in March 2017.

A five-day preliminary inquiry to see if there was enough evidence to take the first-degree murder charge to trial ended on its first day Monday.

"It's heartbreaking, just heartbreaking," said Chang's great aunt, Kelly Boroski. "We're here for closure, eventually."

A publication ban presented in court Monday means CTV News can't report any of the evidence presented.

"It was super emotional and upsetting to hear what we heard today," said Cyndy Hall, a friend of Chang's family.

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