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HeroWork Victoria unveiling latest radical renovation in Langford

A team of volunteers on is getting ready to reveal massive renovation project in support of a West Shore non-profit group. A team of volunteers on is getting ready to reveal massive renovation project in support of a West Shore non-profit group.
Langford, B.C. -

A team of volunteers on is getting ready to reveal massive renovation project in support of a West Shore non-profit group.

On Friday afternoon, crews from HeroWork Victoria were busy putting the final touches on the Indigenous Perspectives Society building in Langford, ahead of a big reveal planned for Saturday afternoon.

The estimated retail value of the renovation is about $630,000, but with a team of 450 volunteers and community partners, about two-thirds of the materials and labor costs were donated.

The building acts as a training center for social workers and other professionals who work with Indigenous communities, and aims to provide a better understanding of First Nations culture.

Work on the building started in the wake of hundreds of suspected unmarked graves being discovered at former residential school sites in B.C.

The official construction launch took place during Orange Shirt Week, and although it wasn’t planned this way, the team’s leader says it heightened their awareness around the project’s importance.

“With the way things developed last year, with our understanding of the history of Indigenous peoples in our country, this project just took on a heightened sense of civic duty for us,” said HeroWork executive director Trevor Botkin.

“We saw that every day with our volunteers showing up. It’s just a different level of energy and commitment they showed us to seeing this job get done.”

Some features of the two-storey renovation include a large open area for group learning, a medicine room and modern office space.

The big reveal was initially set for last year, but had to be postponed due to the global pandemic and supply chain issues.

“I think the increased timeline and that sense of anticipation has really built up the energy around our big reveal. We’re super excited to show this off to the general public,” said Botkin.

“You’re welcome to stop by for a guided tour or an open house and come in and take a look at what the power of community really looks like.”

HeroWork will host its big reveal of the Indigenous Perspectives Society renovation between noon and 3 p.m. Saturday on Granderson Road in Langford. Top Stories

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