
Valve malfunction causes oil spill at Mactaquac dam: NB Power


The Mactaquac dam was supposed to last 100 years, but experts say it will likely need to be replaced, refurbished, or decommissioned by the time it reaches 70 in the year 2030, with either of those scenarios costing as much as $3 billion.

MACTAQUAC, N.B. - NB Power says a cleanup crew is trying to recover oil that spilled into the St. John River from a generating station.

The utility says about 3,200 litres of lubricating oil leaked into the river on Tuesday after a valve broke at the Mactaquac Generating Station.

It says some of the oil was contained and collected at the site the day of the spill, but an undetermined amount still had to be recovered.

It says the Teresso 46 lubricating oil is considered non-hazardous, biodegradable and not expected to harm aquatic life.

NB Power says the valve that malfunctioned has since been repaired.

It says it reported the leak to environmental authorities and the Kingsclear First Nation.