
Manitoba releases latest flood outlook


The Red River seen on Feb 27, 2025. (Glenn Pismenny/CTV News Winnipeg)

The flood risk in Manitoba is considered low to moderate according to the province’s latest flood outlook, but future weather events could change things.

The outlook was released Thursday, saying the Red, Assiniboine and Pembina rivers all have a moderate risk of flooding. The Fisher and Icelandic rivers in the Interlake Region are also listed at moderate risk.

Most other rivers in the province are considered low risk.

“Water levels are expected to remain below community flood protection levels. The risk of flooding is low for most Manitoba lakes throughout the spring period. Most lakes are expected to be within the desired operating ranges after the spring runoff,” the province said in the outlook.

Currently, the Shellmouth Reservoir is operating to reduce flood risk on the Assiniboine, but the Red River Floodway and Portage Diversion will only be used if bad weather hits the province.

“The Manitoba government, local authorities and First Nations communities are proactively preparing for any spring flooding. This includes reviewing emergency plans, information sharing between governments and preparing resources used in flood responses.”

The entire outlook can be read online. The next outlook will be published in late March.