If you’ve been wanting to get a move on your spring cleaning, the perfect opportunity has arrived. The City of Winnipeg is launching its Spring Giveaway Weekend this weekend.
The event is happening over May 11 and 12.
Participants can place reusable and unwanted household items such as books, furniture, small appliances and clothing, on their front street curb for others to claim.
Each item should be labelled with a sticker or sign which says, “free.”
The city reminds you not to put out unsafe goods such as toilets, baby walkers, or anything that could have bedbugs.
All leftover items should be removed from the curb by dusk Sunday.
Compost Giveaway
In the spirit of cleanup – the city is also launching its annual Compost Giveaway this weekend.
Grass clipping, leaves, and twigs Winnipegger's contributed to the city's yard waste collection program have been turned into compost - and are ready for your gardening needs.
The event - which is exclusively for Winnipeg residents - will have multiple locations across the city including 1901 Brady Road, the Summit Road closed landfill site, and Kilcona Dog Park.
You can take home up to 100 litres of compost per vehicle, and no trailers are allowed. You’ll need to bring your own containers, shovels, and gloves in order to participate.
The event runs Friday to Sunday, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.