
Victim's wife discovered body in Highland Ave homicide: police


WPS give homicide investigation update The Windsor police have given an update on a recent homicide. CTV Windsor’s Michelle Maluske has more.

Windsor Police are renewing their call for help from the public to solve a city homicide.

Reginald Frickey, 69, died of a head injury.

Staff Sgt. Ted Novak told the media, the victim's wife discovered his body Friday morning in their home on Highland Avenue.

Staff Sgt Novak Staff Sgt Novak at a news conference in Windsor, Ont., on Tuesday, Oct. 29, 2024. (Michelle Maluske/CTV News Windsor)

"She approached the male," said Novak.

"He wasn't moving and breathing. She immediately called 911. It appears the offender is purposely avoiding security cameras at the residence."

He added that at this time, police believe it was an isolated incident and nothing appears to have been stolen.

Officers believe the crime was committed between 6:30 a.m. and 7 a.m. on Friday.

Police believe someone saw two suspects in the area around that time.

Suspicious death The Windsor Police Service is investigating a suspicious death in the 2400 block of Highland Avenue in Windsor, Ont. on Oct. 25, 2024. (Stefanie Masotti/CTV News Windsor)

The first suspect is described as a white male with a stocky build. He wore a maroon hooded sweatshirt, black pants, and darker shoes.

Homicide suspects Windsor police want to identify suspects related to a homicide in south-central Windsor. (Source: WPS)

The second suspect is described as a white male. He wore a grey hooded sweatshirt, grey pants, a black backpack, and black running shoes with white soles.

Homicide Windsor police officers are asking for the public’s help to identify two suspects related to the death of a 69-year-old man in south-central Windsor.

"The two males are seen in the same area and walking past the deceased's residence at different times," Novak added.

"Video in the area has offenders westbound on Lens Avenue, towards McDougall Avenue. We're looking for more leads, we're looking for more video."

Investigators ask everyone who lives in the area to check their dash-cam or surveillance footage between 5:30 a.m. and 7:30 a.m. on Oct. 25 for evidence related to this case.

A motive is unknown, according to Novak. Leads have been discussed at length with the family of the victim, in hopes of finding the motive.

"It's tragic," he said. "We have our victim services assisting [the family]. Our lead is in contact with them and they're very cooperative."

If the public has seen anyone matching the suspects' descriptions, you are asked to contact Windsor police.

"Did you see them get into a car? Did they get into a cab? Which way did you last see them?" Novak asked.

"Then we will go to those areas and check your video."

Anyone with information regarding the identity of the suspect is urged to contact the Major Crimes Unit at 519-255-6700, ext. 4830. They can also contact Windsor & Essex County Crime Stoppers anonymously at 519-258-8477 (TIPS) or online at