The Downtown Mission of Windsor received a large donation Wednesday afternoon.
The donation was made possible by the “Fill the Ambulance” charity campaign, led by St. Clair College Paramedic students.
Over several weeks, donations of non-perishable food, clothing, feminine hygiene products and pet food were collected. In all, over 5,000 items were donated through the student-driven initiative.
Sarah Reid is a second year St. Clair College paramedic program student. Along with her peers, Reid organized the drive that collected various goods to donate to the Downtown Mission.

"Not only can we help people on ride out, but we can help people by donating outside of school,” said Reid.
“Today, we drove over about eight cars and an ambulance full of donations. I think roughly about 5,000 items we collected, not only nonperishable items, but we also collected winter apparel, hygiene products and food for cats and dogs because on my ride-outs, I witnessed a lot of people that were at the Mission that had pets in need, and I felt like adding that would help a lot.”
Rukshini Ponniah-Goulin is the executive director of the Downtown Mission in Windsor. Ponniah-Goulin is grateful to the students and the community for their ongoing support.

“Well, it's amazing to see young people, both at the college and at the university, stepping up and looking around them to see what's happening in our community,” said Ponniah-Goulin.
“To do what they can do to help, people who they are passionate about helping. And it's amazing to see, this group coming to the Mission, from Saint Clair College.”
During the colder months of November and December, 65 per cent of donations to the Mission occur.
The current Canada Postal workers strike will negatively impact the organization and the people they serve. However, Ponniah-Goulin urges the public to collect and donate what they can because the need is constant.

Secure online monetary donations can be made on organization’s website, and a receipt of the transaction is emailed to the donor.
"In person we can accept donations of gently used clothing or new clothing, of course, as well jackets are really important this time of year, socks, things like that,” said Ponniah-Goulin.
“Also, perishable and non-perishable goods, we can accept them here at the Downtown Mission Aid 875 Ouellette Avenue, or at the Windsor Youth Center, which is 1247 Wyandotte Street East."