A stolen vehicle was stopped and recovered on Highway 401 by Elgin OPP, Chatham Detachment and Middlesex OPP.
On Monday at 7:35 a.m., an officer made attempts to stop a passenger vehicle travelling westbound on the highway near the 79-kilometer marker in Chatham-Kent for failing to have license plates on the vehicle.
Police said the vehicle did not stop and fled from officers at a high rate of speed. The vehicle was not pursued due to public safety.
Around 9:40 a.m. the same day, officers saw the same vehicle travelling eastbound on Highway 401, first near the 82-kilometer marker in Chatham-Kent.
The vehicle allegedly failed to stop two more times when directed by police. It was stopped by Elgin and Middlesex OPP near the 217-kilometer marker of the highway in Southwest Oxford Township.
Police said the vehicle was previously reported stolen from a car dealership in Hamilton, Ont.
A 49-year-old man from Montreal, Que. is facing multiple charges related to theft, careless driving, and mischief.