
MPP Gretzky issues statement regarding International Overdose Awareness Day


A Naloxone kit can be seen in this file photo.

International Overdose Awareness Day (IOAD) is marked on Aug. 31 each year.

Windsor-West MPP Lisa Gretzky, NDP critic for Mental Health and Addictions, issued a statement to mark the day.

“…We are seeing an unprecedented humanitarian crisis in communities of every size across Ontario, with rising rates of overdoses and an epidemic of opioid addiction. Instead of leading with compassion and evidence-based support, we’re seeing Ford and his politicians lead with stigma, and make decisions based on personal opinions– most recently to close a number of Consumption and Treatment Services,” the statement read.

She continued, “This isn’t what communities or emergency services are asking for. They’re asking for support and resources to make sure everyone in our community is safe and cared for. On International Overdose Awareness Day, we need to look out for one another.”

Some signs and symptoms of an overdose may include difficulty staying awake, blue or grey lips or nails, small pupils, cold and clammy hands, dizziness and confusion, choking, slow or no breathing, and unresponsiveness.

If you witness an overdose, call 911 and stay with the person until help arrives. The Good Samaritan Drug Overdose Act provides some legal protection for people who experience or witness an overdose.

Locations where you can get a naloxone kit can be found by following this link.