
Authorities warn of computer scammer posing as Windsor police officer


CTV Windsor: Scam alert Another computer fraud is popping up in Windsor this time with an alarming twist. Gina Chung has the latest.

Windsor police is warning the public of a new scam that involves someone calling a home posing as an officer.

Police say the scam works like this:

The caller identifies themselves as a computer expert, and asks the homeowner to input a sequence of commands into the computer. As a result, the computer shows symptoms of a virus, which the caller says they can fix for a nominal fee. It’s at this point the caller will attempt to gain access to your banking information.

Police now say scammers are trying this tactic with a new twist, by posing as officers of the law.

A citizen contacted police about a call they received, similar to the one described above.  The suspect allegedly identified himself as a Windsor police officer assigned to the fraud division, but when the citizen asked for a badge number, the caller hung up.

Police say they don’t meddle in computer repairs, and anyone who receives a call similar to this should contact authorities or Crime Stoppers.