VICTORIA -- Weather alerts have been issued for most of Vancouver Island Wednesday.

Wind warnings are in effect on North Vancouver Island and parts of East Vancouver Island, while rainfall warnings have been issued for West Vancouver Island and East Vancouver Island.

In the North Island, residents and visitors can expect southeast winds of up to 90 km/h to blow over the region Wednesday, before easing later in the day.

On East Vancouver Island – between Courtenay to Campbell River and between Nanoose Bay and Fanny Bay – winds of up to 80 km/h are in the forecast.

Residents of the East Vancouver Island region between Nanoose Bay and Fanny Bay can also expect a downpour of 50 millimetres of rain to fall by this evening, before easing to lighter showers overnight.

Environment Canada is also warning islanders in West Vancouver Island of heavy rainfall, with 100 milimetres of rain expected to pour by Wednesday night.

“Heavy downpours can cause flash floods and water pooling on roads,” warns Environment Canada. “Localized flooding in low-lying areas is possible.”

As of 10:15 a.m., no weather alerts had been posted for Inland Vancouver Island or Greater Victoria.