As of Canada Day, plastic check-out bags will be banned in Victoria.

Starting July 1, customers will be able to buy paper bags for 15 cents or a reusable bag for $1 at the check-out counter.

Those prices will rise to 25 cents per paper bag and $2 for a reusable bag on July 1, 2019.

Businesses will get a grace period of six months to get rid of old plastic bag stocks.

In the new year, any shops in Victoria found handing out plastic check out bags can be fined between $50 to $10,000. 

The city is hoping the policy will spread throughout the Capital Regional District.

“I think we would all agree that a regional solution is best to avoid confusion,” said Director of Engineering and Public Works, Fraser Work. “But it is up to the public and their councils in those different locations to make sure that they have the right fit for them.”

The ban only applies to check out bags. Bags for bulk foods, vegetables and bakery items are exempt.

For more information on the bag ban click here.