Victoria police are asking B.C.'s Office of the Police Complaints Commissioner to open an investigation after learning that an officer's notebook was lost late last year.
In a statement Thursday, the Victoria Police Department said it became aware of the lost notebook this month.
"The initial investigation into the notebook’s loss and recovery has revealed that the notebook was lost for a five-day period in December 2022," the VicPD statement reads.
"It was not reported lost at that time."
The notebook's contents were copied and have been "circulated among the criminal element of Greater Victoria," police said.
"VicPD is also aware that the information contained in the notebook has allegedly been used to conduct a criminal offence in Saanich," the department added.
According to police, the notebook contained "approximately 60 names and 50 addresses" that were related to police actions or investigations in Victoria, Esquimalt, Saanich and the West Shore.
None of the names or addresses were of witnesses or victims, police said.
"Today, officers will begin notifying persons who were identified, and those living at addresses listed in the notebook, of the information that has been shared," the VicPD statement reads.
Police said they have notified the OPCC and the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner about the breach, and are asking the former to order an external investigation.
VicPD Chief Del Manak said in the statement that the department will "fully support that investigation."
“The significant breach of privacy that has occurred is unacceptable and on behalf of VicPD, I apologize to everyone impacted,” Manak said. "My primary concern at this time is ensuring that the people identified in the notebook are aware their information has been shared, and that they are supported in feeling safe.”
There is no indication that people whose information was in the notebook should be concerned about additional criminal activity, but affected residents "will be provided with information to create a safety plan," police said.
Anyone with information related to the incident is asked to call the VicPD non-emergency line at 250-995-7654, extension 1.