Vancouver Island

'The classic David and Goliath story': Pig versus bear stand-off caught on camera


Caught on camera: Pig vs bear Adam finds out the story behind a East Sooke stand-off caught on camera -- between a big black bear and a little pig named Barbie Q.

EAST SOOKE, B.C. — When Crystal and Brandon Walls first watched what was captured on their security camera, they were shocked.

“The other animals were terrified,” Brandon says, before pointing to the footage of the goat racing around the hobby farm.

They were fleeing from a black bear that had broken into the enclosure.

All except for one animal they couldn’t find on the screen — a pig named Barbie Q.

“She’s my furry little pig kid,” Crystal says.

Barbie had been living inside Crystal and Brandon’s home since she was a baby.

“She didn’t realize she was a pig,” Crystal says, before showing pictures of Barbie cuddling with all the members of the family.

When Barbie wasn’t playing with the pack of dogs, or caring for their collection foster cats, she’d be hugging-up to her humans.

“She’s loving,” Crystal says, “and very smart.”

But as she got bigger, Barbie started putting her big brain to work in ways that weren’t always beneficial.

“She was like a toddler running,” Brandon says. “Chaos.”

“We had to buy baby locks,” Crystal says. “So she couldn’t help herself to the beer in the fridge.”

As Barbie transitioned from living inside to outside, she started looking after the farm animals.

“Whether they’re fearful, happy, sad,” Crystal says. “She just senses that.”

Except for the other night, when the other animals were frantically running from the bear.

“I think Barbie was having a bit of a snooze,” Brandon says, explaining why the pig couldn’t be seen on the security footage.

It was awhile before she woke, but once she could been seen emerging from her enclosure, Barbie found herself snout-to-snout with the bear.

“My heart was racing,” Crystal says.

It was a big bear versus her little pig.

Barbie made the first move and charged at the bear. The bear jumped and ran away.

“I couldn’t believe my eyes,” Crystal says. “Shocking!”

“What the heck is going on here?” Brandon says. “This is amazing!”

After the bear retreated, it sat down and put up a paw toward the pig.

“Like it was saying ‘Stop. I surrender,’” Crystal says. “‘Haven’t you seen Winnie the Pooh?!’”

But Barbie held her ground. And when the other animals started curiously approaching the stand-off, Barbie chased them back to safety.

Finally, after the bear left in defeat, the hog returned to her friends a hero.

“I think it’s the classic David and Goliath story,” Brandon smiles.

While others might name Barbie a “super swine,” consider the porker “plucky,” or perhaps even bestow the title of “Oinker the Conquer,” Crystal is proud to call her brave baby “an inspiration.”

“We’re stronger than we think we are,” Crystal smiles, before wrapping her arms around the pig with an appreciative hug, and giving her a kiss. “And I think Barbie’s taught us that.”