Royal Roads University is encouraging all students and visitors to be cautious after there was a confirmed cougar sighting at the school on Friday.
The cougar was spotted along Charlie's Trail, located on the northern end of the campus.
The school recommends that people keep their dogs on leashes and use the buddy system while walking on campus.
The warning comes shortly after a family of bears, including cubs, was spotted at Thetis Lake Park.
The bears were spotted Thursday evening near the dog park area of the park, and signs have been posted warning visitors to be cautious.
Conservation officers are also encouraging people to keep their pets on leashes at Thetis Lake, and are hoping that the bears will move on from the area on their own soon.
Over the weekend, there were also multiple confirmed cougar sightings in Colwood, including one instance on Sunday when a cougar dragged a deer carcass onto the driveway of a home on Matilda Drive, between Esquimalt Lagoon and Royal Roads University.