
Driver of rented Maserati clocked doing 148 km/h in a 60 zone without a seatbelt: RCMP


A photo from Surrey RCMP shows a Maserati Mounties say was impounded after the driver was pulled over.

VANCOUVER — Police say a vehicle has been impounded after the driver was clocked at more than double the speed limit in Surrey.

In a message on Twitter, Mounties in that city wrote that they'd witnessed a driver doing 148 km/h. At the time, they were in a 60 km/h zone, police say.

The Surrey RCMP said the driver was in a rented Maserati, and was not wearing a seatbelt at the time they were pulled over.

"Just one example of the dangerous driving behaviours our traffic officers continue to see where drivers put themselves and others at great risk," the RCMP wrote.

The fine for excessive speeding in B.C. varies depending on where the driver is.

On a highway, someone travelling more than 40 km/h over the limit can be fined $368.

But if they're in a school or construction zone, that ticket can cost as much as $483.

Additionally, a driver faces three driver risk premium points, and police can immediately impound the vehicle for seven days.

Repeat offenders could have their vehicle locked up for as long as two months. The owner is then required to pay the towing and storage fees.

The fine for failure to wear a seatbelt, or operation of a vehicle without a seatbelt, is $167.