
Cardboard cops now on patrol in this B.C. city


The cardboard likenesses of Kelowna RCMP's Const. Warren Ning are seen in this handout image from RCMP.

Vancouver — Kelowna Mounties have deployed two cardboard cops to help ensure drivers slow down in school zones.

Police say two life-sized cardboard likenesses of Const. Warren Ning were made at a local print shop and will be used near different schools this year.

Real-life Const. Ning works in the Kelowna RCMP's traffic unit, which will also be doing regular patrols of school zones in the city.

"If you’re driving too fast in our school zones, you have to ask if the officer you see is cutout or the real deal," Sgt. Mark Booth with Kelowna RCMP said in a statement Monday.

The cutouts are wearing bright green jackets, holding radar guns and will be attached to portable carts.

The minimum fine for speeding in a school zone is $196, and school zone speed limits are in effect from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. on school days.

North Vancouver RCMP also used a similar tactic in the past. In August 2019, the detachment created a cut-out of Const. Matt McCoy that was used in traffic enforcement on the North Shore.

Dubbed "the fake McCoy," Mounties said at the time they hoped the cut-out would be enough to scare drivers into slowing down.

Coquitlam RCMP have also deployed a metal cut-out nicknamed "Constable Scarecrow." Mounties said at the time that even after leaving it in the same place for two weeks, drivers slowed down in its presence.