
B.C. proposes new penalty for transporting illegal firearms, other measures to curb gun violence


Proposed law would crack down on gangsters B.C. has introduced new legislation aimed at curbing gun violence in the province.

Vancouver — The B.C. government has announced a slate of new measures intended to curb gun violence in the province, including a new penalty for drivers caught transporting illegal firearms.

Public Safety Minister Mike Farnworth shared details of the NDP's Firearm Violence Prevention Act on Wednesday, which he stressed would have "little to no impact" on law-abiding gun owners.

"We are putting expert advice into practice to reduce shootings related to gangs and the drug trade. These new measures targeting illegal and imitation firearms will give police additional tools and help make our communities safer," Farnworth said in a statement.

If passed, the bill would also allow authorities to impound vehicles used to transport illegal guns, and prohibit people from taking real or imitation firearms to particular locations, including schools and hospitals. The Ministry of Public Safety said the latter would complement existing regulations on the possession, storage and handling of guns.

The bill would also "curtail gang members' use of shooting range and strengthen user-related record keeping," the ministry said in a news release.

In addition, social workers and health professionals would be protected from lawsuits for breaching client confidentiality if they reported information to police in a "good faith" attempt to prevent gun violence.