A B.C. nurse's registration has been temporarily suspended after it was discovered they submitted timesheets and got paid for hours they never worked.
According to a summary of a consent agreement posted online by the B.C. College of Nurses and Midwives this week, Kennedy Baker's nursing registration will be suspended for six months.
A summary of the consent agreement explained the incidents unfolded between September and December, 2022. Baker, who works in Victoria, submitted the timesheets and falsified "the name and signature of the authorizing nurse on some of their timesheets," BCCNM's summary shared this week said.
"In so doing, the registrant was paid approximately $23,262.00 for hours that they did not work," BCCNM said.
In addition to their suspension, Baker will be required to take remedial courses on professional responsibility, accountability and ethics.
The inquiry committee, which approved the consent agreement between BCCNM and Baker, said it's "satisfied that the terms will protect the public."