
B.C. nurse gets 3-week suspension for attempting to divert medication


A nurse holds a tablet in this stock image. (Shutterstock)

A B.C. nurse has been handed a three-week suspension of her registration, among other disciplinary actions, for “practice issues” that occurred between November 2021 and March of last year.

Earlier this week, Kimberly Barrett, a registered nurse in Delta, entered a consent agreement with the B.C. College of Nurses and Midwives, the regulatory body for the profession. A summary of the agreement was posted online Tuesday.

It says Barrett engaged in “poor practice” in the areas of medication administration; documentation; communication with the team; adhering to institution policies and support and supervision of health-care assistants.

In addition, she was disciplined for attempting to divert medication from a clinic during her practicum.

Barrett received a three-week suspension of her nursing registration for the attempted diversion.

As well, the college imposed a limit prohibiting her from being the sole RN on duty and supervising nursing students; remedial education; supervision of her nursing practice; and a learning plan to be shared with her employer.

“The inquiry committee is satisfied that the terms will protect the public,” the college wrote.