
Highway 407 announces free rush hour trips for some customers this March


Highway 407 has announced free rush hour trips for the month of March for some customers.

The 407 Express Toll Route (ETR) said the targeted “Spring Into Free Rush Hour” promotion extends until March 31 and covers travel between 7 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., Monday to Friday.

Toll and camera charges, as well as applicable account fees, will be covered for the length of the promotion and the discounts will appear as a credit on customer bills.

Eligible personal vehicles can take advantage of “unlimited travel” on the tolled highway during that time, as long as they signed up for a 407 ETR account and enrolled for the promotion by Feb. 28.

In an email to CTV News Toronto, 407 ETR said last month it targeted over 1 million customers for rush hour driving offers, with promotions extending from one to three months.

407 ETR said credits for any trips taken during the promotional period seven to 10 days prior to a customer’s bill date will be reflected on their next bill. Transponder lease fees will continue to apply.

Heavy vehicle transponders are not eligible for the offer.

A spokesperson said the “best way” to be eligible for future promotions is to sign up for a 407 ETR account and opt in to marketing emails.