
James Webb Space telescope's amazing images show the Universe unlike anything before


NASA unveils first James Webb telescope images NASA officials release the first images from the James Webb Space Telescope unveiling the deepest view of the universe ever captured.

In images of space captured unlike anything before, the James Webb Space telescope (JWST) has treated the world to some of the most stunning photos of intergalactic wonders in the 12 months since its launch.

NASA, in partnership with the Canadian and European Space Agency, launched the JWST on Dec. 25 last year. Since then, the telescope has showcased planets in a new light, discovered new details to the cosmos and unveiled a deeper understanding to existing galaxies.

Created to extend on the discoveries made by the renowned Hubble Space telescope, the JWST became known as a step to furthering the discoveries of the universe with its massive mirror and specialized infrared light technology, capturing distant galaxies not visible to the naked eye.

Here's a look at some the stunning images captured on the JWST since it's launch:


In its first released image, JWST delivered the deepest infrared image of the distant universe by capturing the galaxy cluster known as SMACS 0723.

The deep field image was taken with the help of the telescope's NIRCam and Mid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI), detailing the galaxy cluster as it was 4.6 billion years ago, according to NASA.

While the composite image only shows a tiny patch of the sky, about the size of a grain of sand held at arm's length, JWST was still able to photograph thousands of distant galaxies appearing as the shiny, coloured speckles swarming around space's pitch dark abyss.

JWST This image provided by NASA on Monday, July 11, 2022, shows galaxy cluster SMACS 0723, captured by the James Webb Space Telescope. (NASA/ESA/CSA/STScI via AP)


Astronomers were able to capture the JWST's first direct image of an exoplanet. HIP 65426, which resides outside of our solar system, was captured in four different infrared light filters, opening the path to learning more about the gas giant planet.

The exoplanet was first observed in 2017 when astronomers discovered the planet through short infrared wavelengths of light. With the JWST however, the HIP 65246 b image was able to capture the planet at longer wavelengths, furthering the discoveries made by ground-based telescopes.

“There are many more images of exoplanets to come that will shape our overall understanding of their physics, chemistry, and formation. We may even discover previously unknown planets, too," Aarynn Carter, lead researcher of the images said in a statement.

JWST Exoplanet spotted by James Webb Space telescope. (NASA)


In a plume of cosmic dust and gas, newborn stars were captured by the JWST in new images of the star-forming region "pillars of creation" found within the Eagle Nebula.

Known for its three elongated and wispy columns, the pillars were originally photographed by the Hubble Space telescope in 1995 and then later revisited in 2014 to bring the world the clearest image of the pillars to date. That is until the JWST came along.

With the JWST, astronomers were able to get a better look at the glowing red infant stars forming within the nebula, which are estimated to be a few hundred thousand years old.

JWST This combination image provided by NASA on Wednesday, Oct. 19, 2022, shows the Pillars of Creation as imaged by NASA's Hubble Space Telescope in 2014, left, and by NASA's James Webb Telescope, right. (NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI via AP)


In a display of colour not seen like anything before, the JWST was able to showcase Jupiter's auroras extending high altitudes both in the north and south poles of the planet.

Mapped in red in the new images, the bright auroras can be seen causing a haze over Jupiter, highlighting the light reflected from lower clouds. In the midst of the haze, The Great Red Spot, a massive storm that is big enough to swallow Earth, appears bright white, likely due to extremely high-altitude, according to NASA.

Researchers were stunned to get a glimpse of Jupiter's turbulent conditions and the new images make room for more possibilities in understanding the dynamics and chemistry of the planet.

"This one image sums up the science of our Jupiter system program, which studies the dynamics and chemistry of Jupiter itself, its rings, and its satellite system," researcher of the observation, Thierry Fouchet said in a statement.

JWST This image provided by NASA shows a false color composite image of Jupiter obtained by the James Webb Space Telescope on July 27, 2022. (NASA via AP)