
Sask. woman accused of driving while high in fatal crash takes the stand


Woman accused in child’s death is back in court WATCH: A high-profile case is back before the courts following a two-and-a-half-month adjournment.

The woman accused of hitting and killing a child while driving under the influence of THC was called to the stand on Wednesday.

Wiping away tears, Taylor Kennedy told court that an incident where her friend was killed in a hit and run is the reason she stayed at the scene of the crash and called for help.

“I caused the accident, it was my responsibility,” she said.

Kennedy is charged with impaired driving, exceeding the prescribed blood-drug concentration of THC, and causing the death of nine-year-old Baeleigh Maurice.

Maurice was on her way to school on Sept. 9, 2021, pushing her scooter at a 33rd Street West crosswalk, when she was struck by Kennedy’s truck.

Kennedy is the first person in Saskatchewan charged for causing a death while driving under the influence of THC.

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Her trial resumed Wednesday after a two and half month adjournment. The crown closed its case, while the defence called Kennedy to the stand to testify in a voir dire, a hearing that determines whether evidence will be used in trial.

Kennedy testified the statement she gave to police, saying she smoked weed and micro-dosed magic mushrooms the day before, was true.

She also talked about her struggles with mental health, including anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder, and ADHD.

Kennedy said when she was arrested, she told officers she wanted her own lawyer, but was appointed legal-aid instead.

Court saw video evidence showing Kennedy in the back of the police car, where she was incoherent.

“In the moment you can’t really talk,” she said.

The crown said she never indicated she wanted to talk to her own lawyer.

The defence also called Kennedy’s mother to the stand. She confirmed Kennedy previously worked with a lawyer when she was charged with possession of cannabis before it was legal.

The case is scheduled to resume on Friday.