
Loose moose tranquilized after running through Saskatoon


Loose moose chased through city 20-DCE-DR-Saskatoon police were dealing with a pair of moose running through the city on Friday. Moses Woldu reports.

A moose on the loose in Saskatoon has been successfully tranquilized.

Police say the moose was tranquilized using a single dart in the 1700 block of Avenue H North.

Saskatoon police and officers from the Ministry of Environment were called out around 7:25 a.m. after receiving reports that a young moose was in city limits.

The moose will be transported south of Saskatoon to be released once the tranquilizer wears off.

A second loose moose was spotted around noon in the 1200 block of Avenue P North. Police went to the area, but officers couldn’t locate the animal. Further sightings should be reported to the Minister of Environment.