The mother of nine-year-old Baeleigh Emily Maurice shared a video on Facebook which shows her daughter being fatally struck by a vehicle.
The crash occurred Sept. 9 on the 600 block of 33rd Street West around 9 a.m., according to police. Baeleigh was hit by the vehicle while riding her scooter on her way to Mayfair Community School.
She was later taken to hospital where she was pronounced dead.
In a series of posts, her mother, Rochelle Dubois, expressed her frustration that the driver of the vehicle has not been charged.
"I can’t sleep, I’m completely traumatized," Dubois wrote.
Saskatoon Police Service said Monday in a news release that the investigation is ongoing, and that fatal crashes are among the most complex in policing.
Investigators are waiting on the results of toxicology, which were submitted to an RCMP forensics lab, and most of the technical investigation is nearing completion, the release said.
"Scene examination involves much more than just personal observation; photography is employed at ground level, as well as aerial, and forensic maps are created to assist the post-scene investigation when determining the actions of everyone involved in or around the incident,” the release said.
“Collision investigators must carefully and systemically preserve and collect evidence of what has occurred. The police cannot arrive at a collision, and employ shortcuts in the investigation; the courts have established standards of investigational competence for police services.”
Decisions relating to criminal charges relating to impairment cannot be made until those results are received, police say.
"Once results are available, police will work in consultation with Crown Prosecutors to determine the nature and extent of any charges to be laid. The entirety of the evidence collected and analyzed by police will inform this decision.”