A seating capacity of 18,000 including more luxury suites, theatre boxes, concourse amenities, elevators and escalators.
Could that be what a new Saskatoon arena might look like?
The official design has not been unveiled and conceptual design report isn’t expected to be released until sometime in February.
But technical documents released in a tender process may be offering a glimpse of what could be included in a new Saskatoon arena.
Described as a technical memorandum preview document, the "TCM 13 Event Centre Program Document "offers numbers on everything from square footage, to the width of each seat.
The document is available as part of a package meant to drum up interest among potential private-sector operators.
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It says the requirements support a phase one seating capacity of 15,900. It says the concept design and POR support the potential for future expansion of the upper bowl by an additional 2,100 seats for a total capacity of 18,000.
In a section titled "Draft Space Program Tabulation", it outlines details on arena floor areas and spectator seating.
For hockey, it says the seating configuration in the lower bowl would have a capacity of 9,084. It would be made up of 7,800 general admission seats, 1,000 club seats, a combined 48 luxury and "bunker" suites along with 24 theatre boxes.
There would be a mid-bowl seating configuration featuring 40 luxury suites along with 64 "loge boxes" that would have tables with chairs or stools. 186 club seats would also be included.
The document describes the upper bowl being completed in two phases. Phase one would see it built with 5,700 seats, with the potential for future expansion of another 2,100 seats, which would bring the total fixed seating capacity to 18,000.
The technical memorandum outlines specific numbers for everything from washrooms to elevators and escalators as well as dressing rooms and office space.
It is not the final design, and it is not described as a conceptual design. It does not include any artists rendering or drawings of the future facility, and does not mention cost. The numbers and information could change as several steps remain before any final design is approved.
The document was prepared by Stantec, HOK and LMN which are working as technical advisors on the project, and has an issue date of December 13th, 2023.
When asked about the details of the memorandum, the city sent a statement saying the process which the documents are available for is still ongoing.
“The bid opportunity you reference is still an active procurement. While the procurement is closed, the bids submissions are currently being evaluated and award information will be updated on Biddingo after the evaluation, debriefs and recommendation for award process are complete”.
The city says a conceptual design information report, district plan update, and convention centre options decision report is expected to be brought forward in February 2024.
The city also pointed to a market analysis report presented to council in 2018, which talked about a targeted seating capacity of about 15,000.