YORKTON — When she's not busy at work, Maranda Belcourt loves spending time with her family.
The mother of six has always wanted to own a home but didn't think it would be possible, until someone suggested she apply for the Habitat for Humanity House ownership program.
"Mr. Bueller from Yorkdale School really pushed me to apply I didn't think I qualified because at the time I was subcontracted security, so I wasn't totally trusting my income coming in but he said give it a shot anyway and I did and I got in," said Maranda Belcourt, the house recipient.
Belcourt now has two jobs and is slowly moving into the space made specifically for her big family.
"Everyday is starting to feel a little bit more real right now it's still very surreal for me I’ve been extremely busy kind of in and out. Now that we're getting more stuff in here the furniture is coming in and I got to decorate in the basement and it's starting to feel more like home and eager to get out of the rental,” the mother of six said.
Belcourt says the experience has allowed her to show her children to not give up on their goals. She’s looking forward to spending time with her big family a lot more comfortably in their new space.
"There's room for my granddaughter to come and visit and play now. We had a little war time house for 14 years so it's nice to sit in the same room."
This is the eighth family habitat for humanity has partnered with in Yorkton and they're looking for another. While the program seemed daunting at one point, Belcourt is urging residents to apply.
“It really is a lot easier said than person figures like they help you through the legal process everything like it made buying a house, simple.”