
Sask Volleyball Cup hosts over 100 teams in Regina


Over 100 teams travelled to Regina to compete in the Saskatchewan Cup. (Hallee Mandryk/CTV News)

Over 100 volleyball teams from across the province gathered at the Viterra International Trade Centre over the weekend, for the Sask Cup. Both men and women’s youth teams in faced off against one another in a facility they are happy to have a chance to use.

“Athletes and parents, the coaches, they all love this facility. This is the first time we’ve had a chance to run a cup here. We’ve had national tournaments before, but we’re starting to bring more local events, provincial wide events to the city,” Aaron Demyen, CEO of Sask Volleyball said.

Demyen shared that the ability to host all games under one roof, as opposed to scheduling games in various spaces throughout the city, is a welcomed change for the organization.

“There’s just a great vibe to it. Volleyball is a pretty social sport to begin with, and to have a whole bunch of people, thousands of people under one roof, all playing and cheering for each other it’s just really exciting.” Demyen said.

The CEO shared that while the facility itself is nice, the fact that the organization needs such a large space to accommodate all of the athletes and families, is a testament to how the sport is growing in the province.

“We run club volleyball across the province, and it’s been growing quite a bit the last like five, ten years. So that’s one of the reasons why we invested in this facility and are starting to bring more events to Regina, is that we’re just running out of space throughout the province,” he explained.

“We’re going to be bringing more and more stuff to the city and, and other cities around the province as, as we keep growing every year.”