Saskatchewan RCMP and Combined Traffic Services Saskatchewan (CTSS) have released their report regarding police actions at the annual Country Thunder Saskatchewan festival.
“The highest number of calls for police assistance were on Friday, Saturday and Sunday,” S/Sgt. Craig Cleary of the Saskatchewan RCMP’s South District, said in a news release.
“In total, 31 people were arrested and held by police for various offences.”
RCMP reported a total of 124 calls for service in connection to the festival. Incidents and charges were widely varied, ranging from drug charges and assault to the theft of a “giant plush banana.”
- four, 911 act - for example, call to 911 in error
- 4 reports of assault (section 266 of the Criminal Code)
- 29 disturbing the peace/causing a disturbance (section 175(1) of the Criminal Code
- 3 mental health act, including an individual at/in the creek
- 1 animal-related call for service related to a dog in a crate outdoors in the hot weather
- four, 72-hour driver’s license suspensions
- 2 separate charges, possession for the purpose of trafficking cocaine
- 1 person in possession of cocaine
- 1 identity fraud for an individual providing a false name during a Controlled Drug and Substances Act investigation
- 10 reports of items lost/found, many related to lost or found wallets and credit cards
- 14 liquor act offences – AGRA tickets issued, including 2 youth charged
- 6 reports of mischief, damage to or obstruct enjoyment of property (section 430(3) and (4) of the Criminal Code)
- 6 people reported missing; all are located
- 2 reports of theft under $5,000.00 – including theft of a chair and theft of a giant plush banana - later located by police officers and returned to the owner
- 2 fire prevention act: smoke alarm went off in a camper trailer and for a campfire at a campsite
- 1 noise complaint - municipal bylaw
- 1 person impersonating a police officer
- 2 reports of uttering threats against a person
- 2 motor vehicle act: keys locked in a car and vehicle stuck in the mud
CTSS also reported a busy six day stretch at the festival, being primarily responsible for road safety in and around Craven, Lumsden and Regina Beach, officers also assisted RCMP presence in the festival areas.
“Education was key and our team issued 162 warnings to members of the public,” Cst. Michel Hachey of CTSS Saskatchewan said in the news release.
“Between midnight July 15 and 4:00 a.m. July 18, 2022, CTSS police officers issued a total of 55 tickets and one 72-hour license suspension.”
Speeding tickets topped the traffic violations list with 13 issued over the span of the festival. Similar to the RCMP’s report, the list of tickets and violations were highly varied.
- 13 Speeding violations
- 1 Exceed 60 km/hr passing emergency lights activated
- 1 Exceed 60 km/hr passing a tow truck with amber light
- 2 Fail to stop at stop sign
- 1 Proceed from stop sign before safe to do so
- 4 Fail to wear seatbelt
- 6 Unregistered vehicle
- 3 Drive while holding electronic communication device
- 1 Fail to comply with license endorsement or restriction
- 2 Fail to produce driver licence
- 1 Learner driver unaccompanied
- 1 Drive without a valid driver’s license
- 6 Fail to produce registration paper
- 2 Excessive damage to windshield
- Load or drive a vehicle with cargo that dropped or was likely to drop on the public highway – 1 Under the Highway Traffic Regulation Act
- o A pallet dropped off a trailer onto the highway and struck two vehicles
- Inadequate muffler -1 under the Vehicle Equipment Regulation Act
- Unlawful sunscreen on front side windows or windshield - 7 under the Vehicle Equipment Regulation Act
- Have, Give, Keep or consume beverage Alcohol in a vehicle – 2 under the Alcohol Gaming Regulation Act
- One, 72-hour driver’s license suspension
More details to come...