
Sask. government housing vacancies up more than 400% in Regina from a decade ago, documents show


Social housing vacancy almost doubles Documents show that Saskatchewan’s housing vacancy rate has more than doubled in 10 years. Wayne Mantyka explains.

Windows and doors boarded up, yards unkempt and trash strewn about. What’s surprising is that these housing units are owned and maintained by the Government of Saskatchewan.

The Saskatchewan NDP took a tour through North Central Regina on Tuesday, aiming to highlight the troubling issue of government housing vacancies.

“We see behind us a unit that’s boarded up. That doesn’t contribute to people’s sense of wellness and safety in other units,” Sask. NDP Leader Carla Beck said at the event.

The NDP believe government neglect has contributed to a skyrocketing increase in the social housing vacancy rate.

A freedom of information request from the NDP Opposition has revealed that vacancy jumped 474 per cent over the past ten years in Regina.

“This is one of almost 700 units across Regina,” NDP MLA Meara Conway told CTV News.

“The empty Regina housing units don’t just exist here in North Central. They exist across the city.”

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The ten year vacancy rate for seniors housing has increased even more significantly, up 1084% from 10 years ago.

Joanne Hubick qualified for a non-profit seniors development through Sask. Housing.

“We’ve recently have three vacant units and they’re not filling them and I’m not sure exactly why that is,” she said.

“I know they’re doing some painting and replacing carpets but it’s taken months.”

The NDP say current social housing vacancy rates are high across the province.

  • Estevan: 37 per cent
  • Meadow Lake: 29 per cent
  • The Battlefords and Regina: 23 per cent
  • Prince Albert: 17 per cent
  • Saskatoon: 14 per cent

Premier Scott Moe said that the issue is complicated.

“There’s a number of reasons why there’s some vacancies in our Sask. Housing stock,” he explained.

“But at the end of the day I think the broader or more strategic effort of the government is to in some way shape or form - get that housing stock into having a family that's able to ultimately utilize it.”

The NDP claim that some families are actually waiting months to be accepted into social housing.

They feel the system needs to be better managed.