Residents of the Glen Elm Mobile Home Community in east Regina are sharing their concerns after several people received a notice, informing them that they have until April to move out of their homes.
Hanna Kervel has been a resident of the community for 27 years.
She is concerned for her neighbors having to pack up and leave on such short notice.
“Some of the homes are beautiful, but I don’t think you’re going to be able to sell it,” she said.
The notice was dropped off to the affected residents on Jan. 21.
The note outlined that the park contains damaged and aging water and sewage infrastructure.
Despite significant efforts, the damage to the system is supposedly irreparable and it’s possible the system could shutdown at any time due to far exceeding its lifespan, according to the notice.
The park’s management has given affected tenants some options. Homeowners have the ability to sell their home, but it has to be off of the site by April 30.
Management is also offering tenants with unremovable homes $6,000 for their dwelling, as well as waiving the demolition costs.
Chris Beglau has lived in the community for over 20 years. He too is concerned about the future of his home.
“Unfortunately, that’s the way they are looking at it and that’s what they are willing to pay,” he explained.
Kervel is reassessing her future. She originally planned to leave her trailer to her daughter. That may no longer be an option.
“This is their trailer after I die. It’s ridiculous and it’s absolutely horrifying for all the renters that live in this park,” Kervel explained.
CTV News reached out to the manager of the Glen Elm Mobile Home Community – but he refused to comment on the situation.