
More family doctors in Sask. considering early retirement: Survey


Overcrowded hospitals in Sask. WATCH: Politicians are debating overcrowded hospitals, following a patient reportedly being moved to a hallway tent. Wayne Mantyka has more.

More Saskatchewan family physicians are considering early retirement than three years ago, according to a survey conducted by the Saskatchewan College of Family Physicians.

The survey found that one in five family doctors are considering early retirement. It’s believed that workload pressures are behind the shift.

Dr. Adam Ogieglo, a Saskatoon family doctor, sees it happening.

“They are working doctors that have big patient rosters that are, if not retiring, are on the verge of retiring in the near future,” he said. “The bigger problem I think that needs to be addressed urgently is that there really aren’t very many doctors coming in to fill those big shoes. A lot of the new graduates are interested in doing other work.”

The potential for accelerated retirements is a concern. An estimated 200,000 Saskatchewan residents currently do not have a family doctor. The NDP brought the issue to the legislature on Wednesday.

“What is the minister doing to make sure that everyone across Saskatchewan has access to a family doctor?” NDP MLA Vicki Mowat asked during question period.

The government pointed to recent recruitments.

“In the last 19 months, 170 more doctors have called Saskatchewan home, 69 of them are family doctors,” said Paul Merriman, minister of health.

The government isn’t convinced that the retirements will come to fruition.

“I think the statistic that they used is 20 per cent are considering retirement. That does not mean they are retiring. I think it’s up to that individual when they feel that they have enough money to retire or they want to enjoy their life,” Merriman said.

Many Saskatchewan doctors believe a change is needed in how they are paid, a move away from fee for service.

“If your family doctor always seems like they’re always rushed and trying to rush through appointments, that’s because of this outdated system and so that needs to change. Less and less of the new doctors want to practice in such a model,” Ogieglo said.

Provinces like British Columbia are making a payment shift and are attracting more family doctors. Saskatchewan family physicians would like to sit down with the province to talk about it.