You’ve likely seen those small yellow signs along the highway that indicate an animal crossing area. How do they determine where those signs are placed?
The Ministry of Highways says a sign may be installed in an area where an animal, let’s use deer as an example, are accustomed to crossing. The ministry will use data from SGI and observations from their team members to determine a good location. The signs are intended to keep you safe.
SGI has some additional tips for avoiding wildlife on the highway.
They say between 2016 and 2020, an average of 367 people were injured and one person killed in animal-related collisions on Saskatchewan roads each year. In that same time period (2016-2020) over 16,000 wildlife collision claims were made.
SGI says wildlife are unpredictable and drivers should be very cautious between May and June and in the late fall/early winter as those animals migrate. Other tips include watching your speed and remaining vigilant and calm.