Indian Head, Sask. — Students and staff of Indian Head High School earned themselves a shoutout from Shania Twain after hosting crew members following a bus rollover in southeast Sask. Wednesday morning.
Principal Shawn Morris said when he got the call, his team stepped up.
“I didn’t even know who was coming,” he added. “It didn’t even matter who they were.”
During her show in Saskatoon Thursday night, Shania Twain expressed her gratitude for the community of Indian Head and the hospitality shown to her crew following a crash involving her tour bus and truck.
“I would love to extend a huge thank you to Indian Head High School and Indian Head Union Hospital. I spent the whole day and the whole night with everyone talking about how amazing everyone local was,” Twain said during her show in Saskatoon.
Twain said the high school cooked for her crew in the hours following the accident.
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“I am just so humbled by all of that kindness and generosity, I want to dedicate the show to all of my crew, the crew that were in the accident and also the crew that were there to support,” Twain said.
“We were a warm place,” Morris explained. “We just made them feel a little more comfortable.”
Twain also called the school prior to the show to express her gratitude.
“I sent Shania to voicemail,” Morris laughed. “I didn’t know who was calling.”
“We didn’t do it for the thanks or the praise. Our staff did it because it’s what we were asked to do,” he added.
This isn’t the first time Indian Head has shown an act of kindness like this.
In April, along with a school in Wolseley, they housed band students from Winnipeg after one of their buses rear-ended a semi during a winter storm.
Town Coun. Chris Simpson said fame is not considered when anyone is in a less than ideal situation.
“I wasn’t surprised,” he said. “It’s nice to see and it makes you proud to be a resident of Indian Head.”
“Circumstances had us connect in a strange way,” said Morris. “We’ll remember that.”
Twain said only two of the crew members involved in the crash remained in hospital in Regina with the rest present at the show Thursday night.
Early Wednesday morning one of Twain’s tour busses carrying crew members rolled into the ditch off of Highway 1 near Wolseley, Sask. One of her tour trucks was also involved in the crash.

RCMP said 13 people received non-life-threatening injuries in the incident.
Road conditions at the time of the incident were described as ice-covered.
“I want you to know that the crew that were in the accident and part of the rescue team are here tonight putting on this show,” Twain said to the crowd which erupted into cheer and applause.
Twain’s “Queen of Me Tour” continues on Saturday in Calgary.