
Fire destroys 1 tent Regina city hall encampment


Fire at city hall encampment WATCH: Regina Fire extinguished a blaze at the city hall encampment Thursday morning.

A fire involving a tent at the homeless encampment surrounding Regina’s city hall was quickly extinguished this morning.

Regina Fire had the blaze, which happened along the east wall of city hall, under control around 7 a.m.

The fire did not spread to any nearby buildings or tents.

However, one homeless person’s belongings were destroyed.

Investigators are still looking into the circumstances surrounding the fire.

Safety checks of the encampment are conducted daily and tents are kept separated to prevent fire from spreading.

Thursday afternoon Regina City Council was to be holding a special meeting surrounding the homeless encampment that has been surrounding the area since mid June.

  • Regina city council calls special meeting to weigh in on homeless encampment

However, in a news release the city said the meeting has been cancelled due to a lack of quorum.

-- With files from Wayne Mantyka.