
Winter activities abundant in Ottawa Valley as mild weather hampers Winterlude festivities


Winter in full swing in the Ottawa Valley The mild weather is putting a damper on the start of Winterlude, but winter activities are in full swing in the Ottawa Valley.

Mild temperatures and the shining sun have been draped like a wet blanket across the opening weekend of Winterlude in Ottawa.

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The Rideau Canal Skateway, the winter festival's crown jewel, is once again closed this weekend following a brief opening this season.

But outside of Ottawa, winter activities are abundant for those in search of some season fun.

"This 0 degrees and sunny is honestly perfect skiing," said Andrew Burns, director of operations at Mount Pakenham.

The ski hill, 45 minutes west of Ottawa, was busy Friday with visitors from across eastern Ontario.

"First weekend of Winterlude, we see a little bit of a decline, but it slowly picks back up. So I assume this year we're going have a pretty good weekend," said Burns, remarking on the mild weather.

"I'd rather these nice mild conditions," said skier Sean Tanguay, who admitted he would rather be on his snowmobile.

"Trails are all closed around where we live, so we're out here enjoying the slopes."

Across the valley, the mild weather is mainly impacting ice conditions, spoiling the fun for ice fishers, trail and outdoor rink skaters.

Vacationing in the Calabogie area, the O'Connell family decided to try their hand – or feet – at snowshoeing, as trails around the region are still packed with deep snow.

"We all decide we want to go out because it was a nice day," said Caleigh O'Connell, preparing to hike the Eagle's Nest trail.

"Last year we were here, it was minus 40 C and we couldn't go outside," she said.

"It's going to be rough. But it'll be nice once you get to the top."